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Record Season 2016/17

Submitted by Ozo on Wednesday, 8 February 2017


Well we would have still been on for it if we had won last night...if..but..what could have been.

Do we just wither ..lets hope not. Sleeves up Boys.

SAFC have put their game back v Man City to Sunday 5th March because of our big Derby against South Shields sat 4th March. Finally a chance to break the record attendance at Meadow Park.

In competition it is 697 v SAFC Durham Challenge Cup

IN friendly it is 1013 v Newcastle United. Unlucky for some....yes

SURELY we can at least beat the 697 figure...Shields are likely to bring 500.

Come on !

Our record competitive gate  697 was against SAFC reserves in Durham Challenge Cup. Might also have been a Thurs night game.

How close can we get v South Shields. NEED TO RALLY EVERYONE. No doubt neutrals will like to see Vase Finalists at First Sunderland Legend Julio Arca.

Lets get it on boys all hands on deck to boost the Crowd. Is 697 beatable.