There has been debate regarding the undefeated run which some are claiming to be 14.
If you only include results after 90 minutes then this is correct.
However getting beat on penalties is still a defeat. (North Shields).
Therefore for record purposes we have currently gone 11 games undefeated in the League (a SRCA record in the first division) and 10 games undefeated in all competitions.
I trust this clears everything up. (maybe it is as clear as mud now).
Matches my LTrack file stats
Matches my LTrack file stats exactly, Rob.
Was the record in first
Was the record in first division start of the 2011/12 season. 12 league games undefeated. Need a p w d l f a comparison El Queso
RCA League record up to and
This software doesn't accept
This software doesn't accept new lines and paragraphs etc. The above looks barmy
. In short, played 12, won 9, drawn 3.
<p>First league defeat was 2-3 at home to West Auckland on 08/10/2011. Only defeat before that was 0-1 away toSpennymoor Town in the FA Cup, therefore only one defeat in 15 games,league and cup.</p>
I stand corrected 12 appears
I stand corrected 12 appears to be the record. So the current team need a couple of more results to get the record. Not bad for a team that most predicted would be in the bottom three.
Team spirit is the key.