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View from the (usual) cemetery

Submitted by Ghostly Gadgie on Saturday, 14 September 2013

It's a long way home from Carlisle if you get beat, and for us it always seems to be a Tuesday night, which certainly makes it worse, so the point the other evening was gratefully received, I'm sure. Although my correspondents tell me it could easily have been all three. In particular a very solid first half performance, defending solidly and breaking well, with a shot rattled off the crossbar and the keeper making at least one top class save, could have seen us go in more than the one goal to the good at half time. Inevitably the massed ranks of highly paid Scottish mercenaries, taking advantage of their full time training and consequent fitness edge, put us under the cosh a bit second half, but overall a very good show, I am reliably informed. However, apparently one of our colleagues, bouncing back across the A69 to the upbeat strains of Marvin Gaye, failed to spot a speed camera and may pay the price, which took the gloss of his good humour, but you can't have everything now can you? Still all in the camp seems sunshine and harmony at present, much philosophising for the Sky cameras going on the other day, National Non League Day no less as you all know, and barely a harsh word to be heard all afternoon. What could possibly go wrong? Just wait, we'll think of something...

I notice the Sunday team had a decent win in the County Cup last week as well; moreover against a team with the splendid name of Hartlepool Diablos FC. Or as the match report had it at one point, Hartlepool Disablos, which seems even better. New words are always joining the English language; a man on the radio the other day was saying that the dictionary has multiplied 10 fold from old Sam Johnson's time up to today, and I reckon the Doctor might have been quite keen on disablo as a word, it's got a ring to it, and could come in handy in football. "The game was completely disablo, with chances at both ends", or "The manager refused to comment, claiming his view was slightly disablo". Can you patent a word? Put me in for this one. Could give the secret shoppers something to think about...

Anyway, coming up next week it's Vase day. Will we do anything this time around? And why is it not Spennymoor? I thought we always had to play them in the cup? Be good to get a little run though, decent publicity and the chance to boost the crowds. But could the boys in the cabin cope? I hear they are already struggling to water and feed the throng, just a few more might tip them over....