Sunderland RCA FC 1 Ryton FC 3

15 August 2009

FA Cup Extra Preliminary Round: Attendance: 75

Sunderland RCA FC welcomed Ryton FC to Meadow Park for this Extra Preliminary FA Cup match.

RCA started the stronger and should have taken the lead as early as the 2 minute when a cross from Stewart found Davies in space at the back post, unfortunately, he volleyed high over the bar.

In the 13 minute RCA went in 1 - 0 up, courtesy of a howler from Ryton keeper Tony Davison, a cross from Davies was collected by Davison who then stumbled backwards into the net.

Ryton were visibly stunned by this and responded by starting to play some good football. Burrell was causing problems on the right and Barclay forced a good save from Hoggeth after 20 minutes.

Taylor had a great chance to make it 2 - 0 when he broke away from his marker and lobbed the ball over Davison’s head only to see his effort go agonisingly wide of the post. Within a minute of this RCA lost their captain Paul Wardle who suffered severe facial injuries after an unsavoury aerial challenge with Patton. This meant that RCA played for 8 minutes with 10 men and the impetus of the game swung to Ryton who utilised this spell to put pressure on the RCA defence. Halliday replaced Wardle and RCA got back into the game.

In the last minute of the first half Mark Davison almost scored when he made contact with a Stewart cross but could only guide it over the bar with the keeper beaten.

Ryton came out in the second half and started to dominate. Barclay was guilty of a miss after 50 minutes when he blasted wide from five yards.

In the 55 minute Ryton were awarded a penalty when Anderson pushed Patton inside the box and Marron converted. Ryton were in control and never took their foot of the pedal as they reduced RCA to breakaway attacks. A long range effort from Inness brought a good save from Hoggeth.

RCA held on until the 69 minute when Barclay volleyed home a cross from Burrell to make it 2 - 1 to the visitors.

RCA rallied for a spell as Ryton defended their lead and Halliday was unlucky to see a glancing header go wide. They then forced a succession of corners and only some superb defending by Preston kept the score at 2 - 1.

Man of the Match Dale Burrell finished off any hopes RCA had of a replay when he went on a solo run, beating two defenders before rounding the keeper to score from close range.

Ryton won this game with a disciplined second half performance and RCA will look back at the missed chances and a poor refereeing decision which changed the game.

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